Sunday 6 February 2011

Intertextuality to help band image

Intertextuality is used by many bands to help aid their visual identity. This creates uniqueness and distinction so that they are instantly recognisable to the audience. This can be made using a logo like the Beatles Apple logo from the digi-pak I analysed earlier. On top of this, a certain image of an album can be replicated on all types of advertising, such as live concerts, magazine adverts and television commercials.

The Streets Image creation:

As you can see above, the established Streets lighter logo (also note that it fits in with the "geezer" - urban UK garage sound they create) has been carried on right from the artists formation, on all 5 albums (middle) to its last album (far right)

On top of this, the band has created merchandise and even put the logo on their drum kit for their live performances. This has increased the reputation and gone some way to helping them sell records etc. The image has now become iconic and a part of the bands image.

This aspect will be very helpful to me as i will look to try and create a link between the band and a certain image. This can run through the video, advert and Digi-pak. I just need to determine a strong image that can be related to thus the front of the Digi-pak and the magazine advert will be the same image in mine.

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