Monday 7 February 2011

Plot - Outline of Ideas for structure of plot

I want to use the narrative structure, however lip-sync as well. This means I will have it in the narrative style of a mini-film, but have the lip syncing incorporated into it. For this I need a concept or a theme, which needs to fit in with the lyrics. I interpreted the lyrics to be saying that the male protagonist has a constant problem that he can’t resolve that is causing his relationship with a girl to be difficult – however he makes the best attempts he can to resolve his issues. I make connotations with alcohol and relationships from this as it fits in with my target audience, only just discovering alcohol. Also, I immediately think of media such as the television series “Skins” when I think of portrayal of these issues, which is hugely popular with my target audience. The issues with alcohol were very much conveyed in the Kooks video I analysed which will give me inspiration.

With the concept of alcohol and teenagers abusing it, plus the effect on their relationships because of it, I have the following plot line.

Beginning: Protagonist has normal day, meets mates and begins a drinking session. Has fun however, ignores his girlfriend ringing on a mobile phone because he is enjoying his time with his mates.

Middle: He finally takes the call and has an argument because he is intoxicated. As the argument ends unresolved, the protagonist turns starts to drink more heavily with the aid of his friends – however to a slighter degree. This results in him fighting with his mates/being ill and eventually thrown out onto the streets.

End: The male begins to sober up in a depression before realising he has messed up, vows to end his drinking and attempts to sort his life out by making up with his Girlfriend and mates.

Hopefully I will be able to portray the problems with over drinking, via the use of negative events – Being ill or doing something you will regret. Also, with the happy outcome happening because he decides to change his drinking habits, maybe I can show this message clearly. This is very ambitious as it will be hard to get a clear message through, and I definitely don’t want to look as though I am glamorising the drinking culture. The theme is relevant, in the news, linked to the lyrics and tone of the song and aimed at my target audience. Hopefully I can help promote sensible and responsible drinking as well in the video.

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