Thursday 3 February 2011

How I want the band to be portayed

I want the Band to be relevant and modern. The Indie music is currently very popular with the youth of today and this is why I am aiming to create a video that targets themes very music related to this age group. This is why the band i create must be dressed modern also. I have taken inspiration from:

- The Kooks
- Arctic Monkeys
- The Libertines

These are all bands that I would say are exactly like Lesoeufs. I really believe that the song and the video will be very relatable to someone of a teenage age. It also really helps that I am 17 and able to think of what I would really like and expect to see from an Indie band. With all this in mind, I will begin to create a storyboard and pictures for location, mise-en-scene, costumes and props. After this I will be ready to film as I feel confident I have the foundations for an effective music video.

To relate to my target audience I need to think about what would relate to me and my peers. I think that at my age the only issues with life are exams, money, relationships, fashion and possibly alcohol as we are beginning to experience all of these things. If i can portray as much of these issues as possible, then I believe I will be able to identify with the target market far better. The band needs to be seen as "cool" and their fashion style must also match that of their fans/be a little more extreme than that.

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