Saturday 7 May 2011

Brand Identity

As i have commented on throughout the project, I wanted to create a theme of urban, street great brittish sound. This is becoming a more and more popular with the majority of people because of the repelling from the "fake, computerised, commercialised pop" that is currently in the charts. Real music lovers are turning to more natural, pure sounds. This has taken shape in the indie world through the rough guitar recordings and colloquial slus of the lead singers.

Because my band has all of this, I really wanted to play on this and push it to the forefront of my project. From the outset I decieded that I wanted a resounding central image to represent urban life and found it in the form of the park railings:

With this image created I wanted everything else to play around it and access my target audience (17-21) This is where the idea for a relevant message came from, which was alcohol. Through my research I found that this was something that many bands incorporated into their work and was a topic that was very much up for debate. This makes my band relevant and the Great British identity that I have tried to embed onto the band, in my opinion, has been successfully done.

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